New curls on my hair

Hy my gorgeous,

Am avut ocazia sa testez noul ondulator de par –  automat de la Philips.

I had the chance to test the new hair curling from Philips.


Este un aparat tare interesant….acesta are tehnlogie de ondulare automata…adica tu nu trebuie sa faci mare lucru….decat sa selectezi o suvita de 2-3 cm, sa o introduci in deschiderea ondulatorului si sa tii butonul apasat…aparatul trage singur suvita si o onduleaza.

Are 3 setari de caldura in functie de ce stil de bucle va doriti dar si de tipul tau de par – temperaturile pornesc de la 170-190-210º C .

It’s an interesting toy…it has an automatic technology and you  don’t have too much to do…you only have to select a strand of hair 2-3 cm,  put it in the opening of the machine and hold the button… will take the hair and curl it .

It has 3 heat settings – depending of what king of curls you want but also of your hair type – the temperatures starts from 170-190-210º C .




Are trei setari de timp de ondulare 8-10-12 secunde -in functie de tipul de bucle dorite – daca iti doresti bucle mai lejere sau bucle bine definite .

Un lucru foarte interesant mi se pare faptul ca poti alege dintre 3 directii de ondulare – stanga, dreapta sau alternativ.

It also has 3  curl setting time 8-10-12 seconds – if you desire loose curls or well defined curls.

I find very interesting the fact that you can choose from 3 curl directions – left, right or alternative.


Cam asta este rezultatul – mie mi se pare super dragutz….si chiar rezista foarte bine buclele.

This is my result – I think is very sweet …and I like it because the curls resit veryyy good.


Kissesss my dolls! :* :* :*


20 thoughts on “New curls on my hair

  1. That machine is amazing!! i wish could have my long hair again- but i think i could do it with my short hair right?…
    You look great!! 🙂


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